The All In Podcast
A straight-shooting, science based podcast about periods, period recovery, fertility, and nurturing health, outside of unrealistic beauty expectations. Every fortnight, Dr Nicola Sykes (formerly Rinaldi), scientist and lead author of the book ‘No Period. Now What?’ and Florence Gillet, Certified Eating Psychology coach and founder of www.beyondbodyimage.com, share real recovery stories, expert insights and new research on hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) recovery, hormonal health and fertility, with an unmissable touch of body respect and women’s empowerment.
The All In Podcast
Episode 23 - Facing the fear with ED recovery Coach Tabitha Farrar
In this episode, Nicola and Florence meet with ED recovery coach and author Tabitha Farrar. Together they talk about:
- Tabitha's story of anorexia and her recovery, but also what happened to her menstrual cycles as she came out of energy deficit.
- Tabitha's unique views on anorexia as an evolved response to famine, and all the habitual behaviours (OCD-ED) drawn by the lack of available energy, and typically experienced by ED patients
- Why nutritional rehabilitation has to be accompanied by reducing exercise in order to sustainably recover, and why bingeing is a natural response in recovery
- The crucial role of brain rewiring and how to truly tackle the fear of weight gain to recover once and for all
Find out more about Tabitha's coaching, books, podcasts and youtube videos via www.tabithafarrar.com
To find support in your HA recovery:
Get the "No Period. Now What?" book at noperiod.info/book.
To join the NPNW Support group, please visit noperiod.info/support
To make an appointment with Dr Rinaldi and get individual support to get your period back or improve your fertility, please go to noperiod.info/appointments
To make an appointment with Florence Gillet and get help with the body and mind changes happening in recovery please visit www.beyondbodyimage.com
You can find us on social media
No Period, Now What? on Instagram
Beyond Body Image on Facebook
Beyond Body Image on Instagram
Amenorrhee_fr (HA recovery 100% in French) on Instagram
Email us via allin@noperiodnowwhat.com
If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please drop us a rating and a review to help more people find it.
Editing by Steven Worlow
Original Music by the Andy Shulman Band "Lost & Found" available on Spotify.
To find support in your HA recovery:
Get the "No Period. Now What?" book at noperiod.info/book.
Get the French version "Je n'ai plus mes regles" book at noperiod.info/livre.
Get the German version "Keine periode - was jetzt?" at noperiod.info/buch.
To join our support groups, please visit noperiod.info/support
for English, noperiod.info/communaute for French, and noperiod.info/community for German.
To make an appointment with Dr Sykes and get individual support to get your period back or improve your fertility, please go to noperiod.info/appointments
To make an appointment with Florence Gillet and get help with the body and mind changes happening in recovery please visit www.beyondbodyimage.com
You can find us on social media:
@noperiodnowwhat in English
@jenaiplusmesregles_livre in French
@keineperiodewasjetzt in German